
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Woman Who Picked the Harder Road/Rev. Beverly Bingle, RCWP

"I met the Rev. Bingle on a small ad hoc committee we both served on for a time. And she started sending me her weekly meditations on the Sunday scripture readings — Jewish Bible, Christian letters, and Gospel. Her sermons/​meditations are short and delivered in a straightforward, conversational style. But they are biblical, scholarly, and, above all, real. They are far superior to most of what you hear in pulpits around town, especially Catholic ones. Many of those sermons are not real. They are aggressively banal.
I would say the way the Rev. Bingle lives, the way she walks the walk, is the test. She lives very simply in a home in the north end where she keeps a huge garden and chickens for anyone who might be hungry. (She grew up on a tiny eight-acre farm.)"


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